Music, Music, Music

Yee-haw country is many people’s stereotype of square dance. Yessiree-Bob, that can shore be a heap o’ fun!  It was typical of old-time square dance, and is still popular when we put on a Barn Dance or Hoedown.  In fact, to some of our oldest dancers — 75+ and still going strong!– “If it ain’t country, it ain’t square dance music.”

However, today’s dancers enjoy all kinds of music,  from rock to pop to classical, with the occasional recent hit thrown in.  What’s important is that toe-tapping-body-swaying beat!

Check the playlist below for samples (come back again, we do change the list now and again). But above all, stop by a modern square dance club and be surprised!

Yes, we’re legal!   All music clips are from purchased records or tracks.

PS Each caller has a favorite slant and playlist.  Our caller, Gary Winter, uses a wide range of music weighted to contemporary hits. Other callers may lean towards country or classic rock.  This is why visiting other clubs, or dancing to guest callers, is a great experience.