Yee-haw country is many people's stereotype of square dance. Yessiree-Bob, that can shore be a heap o' fun! It was typical of old-time square dance, and is still popular when we put on a Barn Dance or Hoedown. In fact, to some of our oldest dancers -- 75+ and still going strong!-- "If it ain't country, it ain't square dance music."
However, today's dancers enjoy all kinds of music, from rock to pop to classical, with the occasional recent hit thrown in. What's important is that toe-tapping-body-swaying beat!
Check the playlist below for samples (come back again, we do change the list now and again). But above all, stop by a modern square dance club and be surprised!
Yes, we're legal! All music clips are from purchased records or tracks.
PS Each caller has a favorite slant and playlist. Our caller, Gary Winter, uses a wide range of music weighted to contemporary hits. Other callers may lean towards country or classic rock. This is why visiting other clubs, or dancing to guest callers, is a great experience.